Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So, its been a tumultuous 24 hours since we last (and first) spoke. Whats happened? A long day at work, with beneficial food intake, still no exercise, and a coffee. And tonight at the Tennis, 2 beers and assorted snacks. Good. This is going well.

Dont worry, this wont be a daily update. You'll want to scratch your eyes out with a carving fork before you read all this gibberish.

Still, I've been feeling good - wait, rephrase - thinking good about all this. This is the 'lifestyle' change I need. Still fat though, so losing some patience... Cant this go quicker AND let me go to the Tennis on a supplier and have a few Heinekens? Was only being social.

The rest of the week forbodes a mixed bag of self-preservation goodness - tennis again Friday, this time in a superbox, then down the coast for the weekend. We'll see if that bi-weekly exercise regime reappears... I hope so.

2nd Lesson - Wedges are not healthier than chips - all fried potatoes are still fried

There I said it ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mate, no more blog updates? What gives? I look to you for inspiration/amusement in your quest for physical perfection.